Have a Mindful Holiday Like a PRO

Have a Mindful Holiday Like a PRO

As I navigate the busyness of the holiday season and notice how I and others react to its stressors, I have become increasingly curious about how mindfulness can help. Attention to the present moment can soften stress reactivity, yet this time of year calls for something more solid, more strategic. Learn how to have a more mindful holiday with my PRO method.

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Finding a Mindful Community

Finding a Mindful Community

There's never been a better time to explore the world of mindfulness and meditation. With so many new mindfulness apps on the market, it is relatively easy to start meditating on your own. However, I've been thinking a lot about the benefits of meditating outside of your own personal space in a community.

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Get your Zen on! The joy of mindful walking and running

Get your Zen on! The joy of mindful walking and running

As I’m gearing up for a run, I’m pondering the topic for this mindfulness blog. After selecting just the right gear so I’m neither too hot nor too cold for an eight mile run, I finally get myself outside. After a couple miles my mind wanders, reminding me that I need a blog topic. I let the thought go and return my attention to my running. Then the lightbulb goes off. What I’m doing right now - mindful running, is the blog! 

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Mindfulness 101: What it is, how it works, and why your brain will love it!

Mindfulness 101: What it is, how it works, and why your brain will love it!

I began my meditation practice about 30 years ago. It’s easy for me to remember when I started practicing mindfulness because it was one year before my daughter was born. When she was about three years old, she would frequently find me when I was meditating and fall asleep in my lap. This was a delightful meditation perk! 

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