It’s Raining, it’s Pouring, Mindfully Exploring

It’s Raining, it’s Pouring, Mindfully Exploring

Within seconds of entering Springfield Hospital, a severe rain and wind storm suddenly took control of all things outside. “Wow,” I thought, “I was really fortunate this time. Usually rain is attracted to me like a magnet.” I mentioned my near miss to a colleague who replied: “You dodged a bullet!”

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Empowered by mindfulness: Doorways to present moment awareness

Empowered by mindfulness: Doorways to present moment awareness

Integrating mindfulness into our lives has many benefits. When we are more aware of the present moment, we have access to a richer experience of life. When I find a deeper sense of presence, it can feel like I’ve opened a door. I step through into an experience of life that is more vibrant, more fulfilling. Mindfulness helps to find this doorway to presence.

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Mindfulness 101: What it is, how it works, and why your brain will love it!

Mindfulness 101: What it is, how it works, and why your brain will love it!

I began my meditation practice about 30 years ago. It’s easy for me to remember when I started practicing mindfulness because it was one year before my daughter was born. When she was about three years old, she would frequently find me when I was meditating and fall asleep in my lap. This was a delightful meditation perk! 

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